Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year, New Me

Happy New Year Everyone!

Let me tell you how excited I am for this year. 2013 had many ups and many downs. I am so pumped to start fresh this year and see what 2014 has in store for me.

With a new year comes new years resolutions. Like pretty much everyone else on the planet there is one resolution on my list that I would really like to stick with this year - working out. I don't believe that I am by any means 'fat' but I certainly am not the healthiest person on the planet. The other day I was on Pinterest getting inspiration for my newest resolution and I came across a picture with the caption using this term - "skinny fat". I loved this term because you can go through life thinking you are thin, and you may be according to society but you might be 'fat' in the way of not eating right or exercising the way that a "healthy skinny" person would be. I want to be healthy. I want to tone up and slim down. And to be brutally honest, I really just want a better butt.

So for this Wish-List Wednesday I thought it would be appropriate to share with you some of my 'wants' as far as workout gear is concerned. Let's start from the feet up, shall we?

Nike has always had some of the cutest sneakers. There was a time that I swear Pinterest was going to explode from the amount of 'Tiffany Blue' nike's that kept being pinned. But hey, it's a great tactic. Cute shoes? You're more likely to wear them, aka work out more. Genius.

These are the Nike Free TR Fit 3 in Raspberry, these can be found at Nordstrom's for $100

Next we have these beautiful spanex-capris from Nike. I always just wear Norts when I work out, but since it is a little colder I would like to get some longer pants in case I wanted to run outside. Plus, the material hugs every part of your legs. Motivation #betterbutt2014

These are the Nike Legend 2.0 Capris and can be found at Nordstrom's for $60

Lastly we have this little invention. I've wanted one of these ever since I tried running while trying to find a good place to put my phone. I like to listen to music when I work out and holding it in your hand isn't very comfortable and I'm too tall to just stick them into the waistband of my shorts. This is crucial, however I haven't found one yet that is designed for the iPhone 5s so my search is still on,

This is the Incase Sports Armband Deluxe and can be found at Apple for $44.95

So tell me, is there any workout apparel that I may have missed that you find to be 'crucial'?

Until next time,

Casey Rose

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