Thursday, January 2, 2014

In with the New

Every new year people all across the world vow to themselves that they are going to be different. They make a pact with themselves to stay true to different things that could lead them to be a better person in the coming year. This is called a Resolution.

Resolution (noun): a resolving to do something, a course of action determined or decided upon

Everyone makes them but not everyone keeps them. We think that 'a new year means a new me', well not necessarily. We have to as humans work to be the people that we so desperately want to be. Nothing comes easy, everything takes a little work.

That is why this year I am determined to keep my resolutions. 2013 has proven to be a growing year. There were many ups and a whole lot of downs. Many of which will leave a lasting impression on my heart. But as a wise pin once said...

So here goes 2014 resolutions.

To workout more. I want to love cardio and get a sweet ass
Drink more water
Stop being so judgmental
Be happy for others successes
Say yes to things
Be on time
Get on a normal sleep schedule (its 2 am night has just begun) *Failed
Don't be so afraid of the new
Get the grades you're capable of
Read more and turn off Netflix (with 90210 playing in the background...)
Stop procrastinating
Look presentable for class
Spend more time with loved ones
Give time to those who love you
No regrets
Do something outside of your comfort zone
Be the person you'd want to meet
Stop repeating mistakes
Give more compliments
Make someone else happy
Put down your phone
Give yourself to someone who wants all of you, everyday, because you are perfect being you.

So that does it, my 2014 resolutions. Think I can do it? I'm not sure either. But i'm sure as hell going to try. The first step is realizing what you want to change, the second is acting on it.

So here is to a kick-ass 2014. It's sure to be a great one.

Until next time,

Casey Rose

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