One thing that really has a big impact on my life is music. I listen to music anytime I can and I am always looking for new stuff to tune into. If you take a look through my iPod you will see a different array of artists ranging from Miley Cyrus to Eminem to AC/DC. I don't normally like to limit myself to one genre because great music comes from anywhere. Yes, I do have my car stations set to Top 40 music, but it doesn't stop me from sifting through the other stations once in a while.
My love of music made me think, maybe there are other people out there who are like me and like tons of different genres of music. So I've decided to dedicate a day of my blog to music. Let's call it 'Serenade Me Saturday'. Wow, do I love some alliterations. Hey, they're fun. I'll stick with them.
The gist is every Saturday I will write about a specific song or album I am really loving for the week. I hope to get some feedback from this in you all commenting on different songs/artist to try or even just commenting below letting me know that you listened to said song/artist and really enjoyed them. That would really make my day to know if someone's music taste benefitted from my post :)
So without further ado, lets get onto this week's music...
Night Visions by Imagine Dragons
The band Imagine Dragons took home 'Best Alternative Group' last Sunday at the AMA's. To say that they are pretty hot right now could be an understatement. Many of their songs from this album, especially Radioactive, have been on the top 10 lists of iTunes for some time now.
When I first heard Radioactive on the radio, like pretty much everyone else, I really liked it. It soon became one of my favorite songs. One of my favorite ways to listen to music is through Spotify. I often like to listen to the Top Lists on Spotify to see what is hot right now. Through Spotify I found a couple other songs from this album that I also really liked: Demons, It's Time, My Fault.
To say I started liking Imagine Dragons a long time ago would be an understatement. I didn't realize until I heard this whole album that a lot of these tracks were played at Francesca's. For those of you who don't know, I used to work at Francesca's Collections. They had a CD that constantly played and repeated while I was at work and songs like Underdog and On Top of the World were on this disc.
It wasn't until earlier this week that I was hanging out with one of my guy friends and he had a song playing on his phone. I was listening to it and realized I really liked it, I looked on his phone and saw that it was Bleeding Out. I started talking to him about it and how he really enjoyed the entire album, so when I got home that night I listened to the whole thing all the way through. Needless to say, I was very impressed.
Bleeding Out probably is my favorite song off of the album but I also really like Tiptoe, Amsterdam, Every Night, and Cha-Ching, to name a few. If you like alternative music or even just Top 40 music, I would highly recommend checking out this album. It's got a lot of diversity to it and I believe everyone can find a track that they like.
So, go ahead, check it out:
Until next time,
Casey Rose